MINUTES OF MEETING STONEYBROOKSOUTH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Stoneybrook South Community Development District was held Monday, April 1, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at Oasis Club at ChampionsGate, 1520 Oasis Club Blvd., ChampionsGate, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Bason Nembirkow Chairman Chris Manjourides Assistant Secretary Gerrard Knights Assistant Secretary Also present were : Jeremy LeBrun District Manager Alan Scheerer Field Manager Dave Reid District Engineer Vivek Babbar via phone District Counsel Brian Clayborn Floralawn FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. LeBrun called the meeting to order. Three Board members were present in person constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. LeBrun: That brings us down to item number two which is the public comment period. Just for the record, there are no members of the public in person, just Board and staff. Alan, did you check the line? Mr. Scheerer: Nobody is on the public comment line. Mr. LeBrun: Alright, so we have no members of the public calling in on the phone either. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Business Administration A. Approval of Minutes of the February 5, 2024 Meeting Mr. LeBrun: That brings us down to our business administration. The first item under that is item letter A, approval of the minutes of the February 5, 2024 meeting. Those were included in April 1, 2024 Stoneybrook South CDD your electronic agenda packets, and they're also on page seven for the version that's on your iPad. Happy to take any comments or corrections on those. Ifnot, we just look for a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Nembirkow, seconded by Mr. Knights, with all in favor, the Minutes of the February 5, 2024 Meeting, were approved. B. Consideration of Check Register Mr. LeBrun: The check register is on page 20 of your electronic agendas. This is your check register from January 3 pt through March 25th• From your general fund, you have checks numbers 57 through 79. Total there is $185,884.27. Then from your payroll fund, you have checks number 50101 through 50105. Total there is $663.80. The total for the check register is $186,000. Mr. Nembirkow: Why does Terry get less? Mr. Manjourdes Because he wasn't on here. Mr. LeBrun: I'll have to double check. Sometimes Supervisors elect to have additional money taken out of checks. That's a common occurrence. I have your information to check in on that right now. Mr. Knights: Okay, thanks. Mr. LeBrun: Sure. Behind that, you have your detailed line by line register. Happy to take any questions. If not, just look for a motion to approve the check register. On MOTION by Mr. Manjourides, seconded by Mr. Nembirkow, with all in favor, the Check Re ister, was a roved. C. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. LeBrun: Behind that, you have your balance sheet income statement. This is your unaudited financials through February 29th . No action required on the Board's part, it's just there for your awareness on those. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Business Items A. Consideration of Resolution 2024-03 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Setting a Public Hearing Mr. LeBrun: Next is consideration of Resolution 2024-03, approving the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 budget and setting up public hearing. That starts on page 39 of your electronic agendas. You'll see the resolution there. So, what that is doing, that is setting a public hearing for the Fiscal 2 April 1,2024 Stoneybrook South COD Year2025budget.ThedateisJune3rd .That's settingthathearing forthe proposedbudget. Behind that, you'll see Exhibit A, which is the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 budget. This is setting the ceiling of the budget. And just for Supervisor's awareness, there's no assessment increase. So, the assessments will stay the same for the property owners. I want to start off with that. Just so we're aware that there's no assessment increase in this proposed budget. We can, of course, work on this up through the public hearing, take input at the public hearing, but this is the proposed budget that we're just going to go through quickly. I know the board seen these before, same standard format that you've had in years past. On page 43, your general fund, you'll see your revenues there at the top. So, you have your special assessments, you have your interest income. You can see a little higher than projected on the interest income. That's with the interest rates currently high for cash reserves, which is a good thing. Mr. Knights: What would be miscellaneous income? Mr. LeBrun: That would be ifthere was, say that an insurance payment for something that would go in as revenue side ofthings. So that's typically what we see for those miscellaneous type of incomes. Below that, you have your administrative budget. So that's the fees there, the cost to run the administrative side ofthe CDD. So, on the left you'll see your adopted budget. And on the far-right column is the proposed budget. Below that you have your operations and maintenance. So, these for the various field services, property, insurance, streetlights, landscape. So those are the expenses that are proposed for the field next year. We try to build in some anticipation of inflationary costs, rise in insurance, electricity. Those are all forecasted in the budget for the next fiscal year because we are budgeting starting with, you know, in October through September of 2025. So, it's pretty far, far out there, but we try to anticipate any of those costs associated with that. Ifyou look on page 44. So those are your proposed assessment comparison charts. As I stated earlier, there's no assessment increase anticipated for this year. So, we're able to balance the budget without increasing assessments on property owners. Page 45, that's the narrative. Page 45 explains the different categories within the budget. Go through there. And then behind that, starting on page 47, 48, you'll see the different accounts for electric, streetlights and things of that nature to show you what the District operates and maintains within Stonybrook South. And then on page 53, you have your capital reserve fund. And you can see there on the bottom of page 53, you have some proposed expenses that Alan has put in there for next year. The monument repainting and repair. Floralawn looking at an irrigation system upgrade, potentially. So those are some anticipated 3 April 1, 2024 Stoneybrook South COO capital expenses. Nothing binding on the Board to do those, but those are just budgeted per previous direction or to anticipate future needs of the District. And then after that, page 54, you'll see the different debt series service funds. And that takes us through the end of the budget. So that's the proposed budget. Happy to take any questions on that, ifyou're going to look at anything specifically, the Board can always make changes up through that public hearing. So, nothing is bindingtoday.Thisisjust settingthattheceiling ofthebudgetfornextyear. Mr. Manjourides: There's no increase, right? Mr. LeBrun: No. There's no assessment increase on property owners or. Mr. Nembirkow: We are good with that, when there's no assessment increase that's good. Mr. LeBrun: That is good, yes. That's what we like. I am happy to take any questions on that. We can always change it up through that June 3 proposed public hearing. So, what we'll do is if the Board approves this, we'll advertise that hearing, and then at that June meeting, you'll approve the budget for next year, and that will officially adopt the budget for next year. On MOTION by Mr. Manjourides, seconded by Mr. Knights, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-03 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year2025Budgetand SettingaPublicHearing,was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS StaffReports A. District Counsel Mr. LeBrun: Any questions for Counsel? Mr. Manjourides: Who are the people that were suing the District? Was that the Spectrum? Mr. Babbar: It was the mortgage company, I guess their tenant failed to make their mortgage payments. They're foreclosing on their tenant. Mr. LeBrun: Alright, Vivek. I think we're good. We appreciate you calling in. Mr. Babbar: A quick update on that Legislative Session. I updated the Board house bill 7013 passed, and that's the one that requires us to adopt missions and goals for the District. We have to do that by October 1st of this year, and then by December 1, 2025 and every December 1 thereafter. We have to publish a report on our website saying which goals in fact that we met, which one we failed to meet, and the performance measures and standards used to make those determinations. There's really no guidelines or requirements for that. We recommend that you basically utilize your budget and your main operation expenses to basically set those benchmarks. There's no one that you have to submit that report to you, just to put it on your website. So that's 4 April 1, 2024 Stoneybrook South CDD something that your district management team and our office can work together, present something to the Board and upcoming Board meetings. Mr. Manjourides: Okay, that sounds good. Mr. Babbar: And that's all I have, Jeremy. Mr. LeBrun: All right, great. Thank you. I don't believe the Board has any further questions. Mr. Nembirkow: No, we're good. Mr. Babbar: Okay. B. District Engineer Mr. LeBrun: All right, that brings us down to our District Engineer. We have Dave in person today. Mr. Reid: I have no new engineering reports, but my company will be resigning from the providing engineering services in the next few months. I'll stay on through the annual reports. But by July, August, or at least by the next fiscal year, if we could get another engineer. I have about nine of them right now. I just can't handle them all. I have new ones coming and all myoid ones I've got are dropped. Mr. LeBrun: Any further questions for Dave? C. District Manager i, CDn Ethics Training Requirement Mr. LeBrun: We'll move down to the District manager report. I just have one item under this report, ifyou look on page 61 ofyour electronic agendas. There is some recent legislation that Board members have to undergo 4 hours of ethics training. So, this memo will provide those free resources to meet that requirement. And there's no certificate, there's no completion credit you're going to receive. But basically, supervisors have to complete 4 hours of ethics training specific to public records law, gift laws, sunshine law this calendar year. And you actually report it on your Form One next year. So, your Form One 2025 is when you actually check the box that says, yes, I completed this training. So, the memo that's in your agendas and also was emailed out has clickable links. You can click on it and sit in on the training. Mr. Manjourides: It's fairly simple, you've just got to sit there for 4 hours. Mr. LeBrun: Yeah, you can break it. You can break it up on different days. There are couple of the choices, there's actually a PowerPoint you can click through. One of them is audio only. 5 April 1,2024 Stoneybrook South CDD There are other resources that you can utilize, but we've kind of compiled them in this list to make it easier for you just to use this, meet your requirements. Mr. Manjourides: And there's no cost? Mr. LeBrun: No. There are companies that offer trainings that cost money, but these are the free versions that will meet the requirements. Unless you want something a little more robust to pay for. There's no requirement to pay for that. We're also recommending that when you do sit through and listen to the course, you just make a note for yourself of the date and time that you completed it. That way, in case anything ever comes up, you'll know when you did it. Like I said, there's no reporting requirements besides checking, yes, I did my 4 hours of ethics training. What will happen? And also new this year for Form One, which is what Supervisors file every year. Starting this year, it's going to be electronic. So, you're actually going to get an email from the Department of Ethics that will be, you have your email address and say.iclick here to set up your link. And then you'll register, and then everything is now electronic. Those haven't gone out yet. If you don't receive them, probably by the end of April, you can let me know. If you do get it and you can't figure it out, I can corne and help you. I'm always available to assist. We can always do it together if anyone ever needs help. If you don't have an email through the end of April, let me know and our office can check and make sure they have the correct contact. Ifyou have any questions, you let me know. I'll also send this out a separate email for you that's not in the agenda. That way you have the email, and you can click on it as well. Any questions on the ethics training? That is all that I had. I will bring it down to our field manager. D. Field Manager Mr. Scheerer: Thank you. Included in your agenda packs the field report for the last couple of months. As you can probably tell, we went ahead and got the architectural fountain painted. I'm not sure of the delay in getting it filled. We sent a notice last week to get it filled. I sent them a notice again this morning. And we'll double check all the lights and they're going to have to reclean the basin due to all the pollen drop and all the leaf drop there. Not included in that architectural pictorial is the fact that we came out after all the work was done and pressure washed the traffic circle and the sidewalks and all the curbs around the traffic circle as well. Irrigation inspections are ongoing. We did hire a new lighting company, Don Bell. They called me, told me they were out last week, but. But Mister Manjourides showed me some pictures of one of the lights that are still not working. I'll verify that first thing tomorrow, and we'll get Don Bell back out there to do 6 April 1,2024 Stoneybrook South CDn that. The Bella Citta monument on the exit side was repaired. Everything was painted. I think it came out really well. It was a lot ofwork. That structure I thought was blocked is actually all wood frame, so we had a lot of wood frame damage on that that needed to be replaced. As far as that goes. I know we were having some trouble with the whole 16 fountain. We were waiting on parts for that. As far as I could tell, all the fountains are working now, and I know the other CnD has their last two fountains going in, hopefully within the week. It's all working Buzz, so hopefully no one is beating on your door. Floralawn installed the new landscaping at both the Highway 27 entrance and the westside entrance. I think it looks really good. I will be bringing back the proposals at the next meeting for the Bella Citta monument. And speaking of Floralawn, we have Brian Claiborne here today. He's our account manager. As you know, we changed from Down to Earth to Floralawn in September of last year. I think they're doing a really good job. The pond disking has improved, the mowing has improved. And I think a lot of the color in the property is looking the way it should be. We had the pressure washer on site. We repaired one ofthe benches at the traffic circle for the architectural fountain. Place that back as well. The no parking signs. I know there was a discussion on the Bella Citta where the schools at. We hope to have those in next week. So, I went ahead and ordered those. It was only like three grand to get all the no parking. And the U channel post. It'll say no parking anytime. It'll have the appropriate directional arrows. It'll be on both sides ofthe roads and both sides ofthe two medians in there as well. So that should be happening hopefully this week. Mr. LeBrun: And just add to that, last time we had discussed having a public hearing, Counsel actually chimed in research a little more, so it wasn't necessary. So, we didn't want to go through the expense of advertising and doing that. Mr. Scheerer: That's all I have. Unless you have any questions and Supervisor Manjourides gave me a handful of homework to do. So, we'll get that done before the next Board meeting. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Request Mr. LeBrun: That brings us down to Supervisor's request. Do any Supervisors have any special requests? SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. LeBrun: Hearing no Supervisor's requests, we will just look for a motion to adjourn. 7 April 1,2024 Stoneybrook South COO On MOTION by Mr. Knights , seconded by Mr. Manjourides, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. fl,-_ Chainna i--e:= ~~ 8